The Greatest Show On Earth!
Do Not Miss It!

Bom dia a todos! Uau, sim, uma surpresa! // Hello everyone! Wow, yes, a surprise! I said I would not post again until the end of August. But here I am again, just days after saying otherwise. Some ideas came together for me and I wanted to share them. Before I lost them. I am grateful to Santa Luzia for the space and quiet where ideas can percolate. For the longest time I have been mulling how the greatest show on earth suddenly goes into reruns.

Of course, I am talking about our own human docudrama and our tendency to let our past stories repeat themselves. Rather than creating newer, more dazzling technicolor extravaganzas. I have alluded to this human tendency in at least one prior post. But in other posts as well, as subtext. As I said, it has percolated around my brain for a while. If you care to, then dive in with me.

We Are What We Are, Our Own Special Creation

I have toyed with this question for years. Who are we as a species? What distinguishes us, if anything does, among all that has evolved over billions of years? I have tossed my ideas about answers to some few others only. That process has been so very helpful.

Helpful, that is, to both sharpening and dulling my thoughts. Sharpening in the sense, of course, for clarifying and evolving my thoughts. Dulling in the sense, more importantly, to show the greatest empathy toward our shared human condition. That is, often I can be judgmental with my own and therefore others less than perfect natures.

That said, let’s move own. Take a look at the image below. It is a perfect bell curve. My imagings of who we equal is the sum of us all. We differ one from another. Obviously. No one of us or even any group of us represents the breadth and the fullness of our humanness. Each of is but one point among billions. Only together — in the sum of each and every individual point — is our humanity realized and understood.

“A Perfect Bell Curve”, 2022

Problems, conflicts, arise when we fail to recognize that we are but one solitary point. When we do not join with others adding their individual datum to ours. And vice versa as well.

Welcome to the Greatest Show On Earth!

I read two very thoughtful pieces in The New York Times about a week ago or so. One is by a virologist in which he shares his thoughts on the future of the Covid-19 pandemic. The other piece is from a historian who writes about the prospects for democracy in light of the most recent collapse of Italy’s government. Together these helped to synthesize my thoughts about our human condition. That is, how we might truly put on the Greatest Show On Earth. Interested?

Surely Also The Greatest Show…

“Can’t Avoid the Light”, 2020

Our Happy Balance

“With The Dark”, 2020

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